May 2024 Vedic Astrology Forecast

Wednesday, May 1:
Today Jupiter changes signs.
 Jupiter stays in a sign for approximately one year, where its ingress into a new sign is a noteworthy planetary transit.
In sidereal Aries since April 2023, today Jupiter will enter Taurus and remain here until May 14th 2025.
In a person’s birth chart, Jupiter’s slow-moving and commanding transit will tend to bring energy of expansion and opportunity to the house that it transits. Planetary transits are read primarily from the Ascendant, followed next in line by the Moon, and then thirdly from the Sun.
For those with an Ascendant, (or Moon or Sun) in one of the fire signs of Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, Jupiter will transit through and also cast a full planetary aspect onto the three Artha houses of the chart. Artha is a sanskrit word that carries meanings of wealth, resources and usefulness. Jupiter will bring greater focus, opportunity and luck to areas connected to practical material stability and goals in the world. There may be rise in areas related to work and profession, a possible new title and increase in finances.
Also, there may be better quality and care devoted to nutrition and daily routines.
     For the earth signs, of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, Jupiter will bring its auspiciousness to the three houses that make up the Dharma triangle of the chart. Dharma relates to the highest manifestation of the individual self. It includes one’s sense of personal ethics, virtue, merit, creative expression, deeper wisdom and higher learning. There may be association with mentors and guides who support a process towards depth and maturity.
For the air signs of Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, Jupiter’s will influence the Moksha (liberation, emancipation) triangle of the chart. Here, emotional and psychological health and the willingness to see things as they really are (even if it hurts) is given first priority. It may be a time of profound inner catharsis that brings more stability and integration. Within this greater steadiness and psychological clarity there is likely to be a letting go of various and maybe unhealthy attachments to people, places or things.
And for the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, Jupiter will transit and aspect the three Kama (enjoyment) houses of the chart. Here, personal relationships, both romantic as well as related to groups, friends and collective socializing become important and receive increased support. Also, a fulfillment of desires and aspirations may play out in the form of travel, developing much-loved hobbies and taking budding skills to a next-level. This may require coming out of hiding or stepping out of a current comfort-level.
To get a general sense of how Jupiter’s transit through Taurus will play out personally, it may be very helpful here to recall what was happening the last time that Jupiter transited here, between May 2012 and May 2013.
While astrological influences and life are layered, diverse and always changing, where it is not possible to step back into the same flowing planetary stream twice, a recollection of some of the major life themes during this one-year period will however offer one a flavor or echo of the effects that it will bring over the next one year.

Tuesday, May 7:
The New Moon takes place in sidereal Aries in Bharani (‘The Bearer’) Nakshatra at 10:21PM EDT (2:21AM GMT + 1 day )
The planetary influences at the time of the New Moon gives an indication of themes that will characterize the next 30 days.
The symbol of Bharani nakshatra is a yoni, or the stylized representation of female reproductive organs, and its associated deity is Yama, the Lord of Death. As such, Bharani is a lunar mansion that carries meanings of the interconnectedness of birth and death.
The planetary ruler of Bharani is Venus, and today Venus is in this nakshatra with the Sun and Moon, where its association with the luminaries will amplify the influence of Bharani nakshatra during this lunar month.
Akin to its connection with birth and death, Bharani is also associated with experiences that are characterized by suddenness, where the life form that has been invisibly gestating is born and now suddenly out in the open, or where the slowly declining person suddenly passes over to the other side. The next 30 days may bring an atmosphere of situations that have been brewing quietly as behind the scenes decisions, plans and activities that are made known and visible to all, perhaps with an element of surprise or shock.
Yama, the Lord of Death, is also a god of justice, who assesses the motivations, values and conduct of the individual. Thus, this month’s situations of metamorphosis are likely to come with a sense of whether one has taken a high road or a low-road.

Friday, May 10:
This is a special day. Today marks Akshaya Tritiya or ‘Never Diminishing Third Lunar Day’. This is considered one of three and-a-half uniquely auspicious days of each year in the Vedic calendar. Among its numerous layers of mythical significance, Akshaya Tritiya marks the day the sacred river Ganges first began flowing, as well as the day the sage Veda Vyasa began composing the well-known epic tale The Mahabharata. It is believed that on this day spiritual practices deliver increased benefit, items donated to others will be effortlessly replenished, and new practical beginnings of all kinds, such as starting a business or making major purchases, get a solid, blessed start. Some astrologers are even of the belief that the lucky nature of Akshaya Tritiya over-rides other fundamental astrological considerations. Akshaya Tritiya occurs yearly on the day when at sunrise the Sun and Moon are in sidereal Aries and Taurus respectively, their signs of ‘exaltation’ or maximum strength.
(In 2024, Akshaya Tritiya will be on Friday, May 10th in North American, European and Indian time zones.)

Tuesday, May 14:
The Sun enters sidereal Taurus: major beginnings of practical importance are traditionally avoided on days of solar ingress.

Sunday, May 19:
In Vedic astrology, when planets are together in exact or within close degree, these too-close conjunctions are often adverse, and an indication of volatility, constriction, or conditions where planets are not able to function in strong or straightforward ways.
There is a very unusual situation today where numerous planets will sit in exact planetary conjunction. In Pisces, Mars and Rahu are in the same degree, forming a fiery and potentially explosive combination. Jupiter, the ruling-planet of Pisces, is in exact degree with the Sun in Taurus. Here Jupiter is lost in the Sun’s glare (deeply combust), and becomes compromised and weakened. As the planet of justice and wisdom, Jupiter’s hidden state indicates powerlessness in matters of discernment and fairness, likely due to issues with greed or materialistic priorities. Jupiter is in the earthy sign of Taurus, and is with Venus, a planet of desire and potential covetousness.
The Moon is in Virgo, in exact degree with the sharp and constrictive south lunar node Ketu. This is a combination that indicates potential worry, lack, and obsessive fixation. Keeping a sense of balance and calm may go a very long way towards skilfully navigating this especially sensitive window today and around this time in May.

Wednesday, May 22:
As tomorrow’s Full Moon approaches, it will be in early sidereal Scorpio, in its difficult degrees of maximum debilitation. While the Moon’s brightness is externalizing and may bring responsibilities and activities, its accompanying unsteadiness may also bring an atmosphere of reluctance, awkwardness, and feeling unsupported. This is a day to navigate with greater patience, grounded clarity and care. The Moon will be in its deepest debilitation at 11:06PM EDT (3:06PM GMT)

Thursday, May 23:

The Full Moon takes place in sidereal Scorpio in Anuradha Nakshatra 9:52AM EDT (1:52PM GMT).
Anuradha Nakshatra is symbolized as a triumphal gateway decorated with leaves. Like this symbol, this lunar mansion has qualities that are victorious and noble (like the triumphal gateway) and at the same time fresh, mild and life-affirming (like the fresh leaves). Anuradha is nakshatra of friendship and community, and when the Moon is here on a Thursday this forms a specific favorable combination.
While there are some striking adverse planetary influences at this time (such as the close conjunction of Mars and Rahu), the Moon’s auspiciousness in Anuradha Nakshatra is a hopeful influence that aspires to that which is compassionate and constructive.

Sunday, May 26:
Today Mars will transit over the degree where the solar eclipse in April took place. In 25 degrees of Pisces, Mars will reactivate a highly vulnerable point in the zodiac. This volatile influence becomes even more so in this case, because Mars is together with the north node Rahu, which will inflate a planet’s effects. For the U.S., this transit may be especially difficult, where this Mars-Rahu conjunction in the U.S. chart occurs in the fourth house of homeland and environment.

April 2024 Vedic Astrology Forecast:

There is much to be said about the intensity of this month, with its confluence of disruptive influences where April may stand out in some ways as the most intense month of 2024.  Inwardly, the potential is always there to remain steady and peaceful, and may it be so.

Monday, April 8:
The New Moon will take place today at 2:21PM EDT (18:21UTC) in sidereal Pisces in Revati Nakshatra.
Today is the day of this eclipse season’s momentous Total Solar Eclipse.
Presented in the media as an occasion for eclipse-viewing gatherings, from a Vedic cultural perspective, solar eclipses, while extraordinary to observe, are a weighty omen that are approached a quite differently, and with much more sheltered care. As an occurrence that is like the astronomical blinking of an eye, or the resetting of an aperture, eclipses cast a shadow where human intention becomes magnified- for better or for worse.
Solar eclipses are most powerful in their path of visibility, but their effects extend beyond this to a lesser degree.
For those with key planetary influences in late sidereal Pisces, such as the Sun, Moon or Ascendant, today’s eclipse is likely to be experienced more strongly, and can bring pivotal life events in the days and months that follow, when there is the transit of planets over the eclipse degree that reactivate the vulnerable point.
In the chart of the U.S., this eclipse will occur in the 4th house of land and environment. Solar eclipses increase susceptibility to natural or human-created calamity, and the affliction to this specific area of this chart adds to this potential.
This sweeping eclipse will be visible in varying degrees in all of the Americas. The narrow band of its totality will travel Southwest to Northeast, covering parts of Mexico, fifteen U.S. states, and six Canadian provinces. Then travelling across the Atlantic, it will be partially visible in parts of Western Europe.
Within the U.S., this eclipse will be first visible in Texas, where there the (partial) eclipse will begin at 12:23 p.m. CDT and the eclipse will fully end at 3:02PM.  The maximum totality begins at 1:40 p.m. CDT and ends at 1:44p.m CDT.
For UTC: the partial eclipse will begin at 15:42:15 UTC, and the eclipse will fully finish at 20:52:19. The moment of maximum eclipse will be at 18:17:21.
(For a specific location, a helpful lookup resource can be found at

A recent striking testament to how an eclipse can portend disruption, in 2017, the total solar eclipse that swept across the U.S. on August 21, 2017 coincided with the formation of Hurricane Harvey, which ranked among the most destructive of U.S. hurricanes. In comparison, today’s eclipse is more powerful than the one in 2017. The maximum length of totality of today’s eclipse will be about twice as long (over four minutes), and the width of the path of the eclipse path will be wider, where many millions more people will directly experience it.

Traditionally, in India, visible solar eclipses are not a time to put on the viewing glasses. (In 2017, Donald Trump was photographed not bothering to wear his while looking directly at the eclipsed sun. But I digress.)
 Instead, this powerful window is a time to follow some observances to remain balanced.
 It is common practice in India for shops to close and for the roads to be quiet. While taking the day off might not be feasible, some key traditional considerations and observances include the following: not eating, preparing food or leaving it uncovered during the eclipse. If one must eat for health reasons, then taking light simple food is recommended. Soon after the eclipse, showering and then changing into clean clothes, especially for those in its path of visibility is another time-honored practice. Important ventures of a worldly nature such as starting a new job or business, making important purchases, or entering a home for the first time are avoided, and it is a day to be extra careful with every day activities that contain an element of risk, such as driving.
This is a most-ideal time for meditation, the chanting of mantras, kirtan and making offerings in charity. The deeply positive quality of eclipses is that these transformative windows amplify the effects of spiritual practices and prayers.

Tuesday, April 9-Wednesday, April 10:
Mercury, Mars and Saturn will all be in particularly adverse placements during this time.
On April 9th, Mercury in very late Pisces, will be gandanta, or in the vulnerable ‘knot’ at the junction where a water and fire sign meet, regarded as an agitating, steam-producing mixture of elements. Additionally, Mercury is in its sign of debilitation, where it is weak, and currently, Mercury is both retrograde (until April 25th), and combust, or weak through closeness to the Sun. It is also close in degree to Rahu, a distorting influence that can be difficult for clarity and discernment. These layered afflictions to Mercury are likely to complicate communications in various ways, both globally and individually.
Mars and Saturn, two malefic planets with contradictory natures, have been in Aquarius since March 15th. On Wednesday, April 10th, this conjunction will be exact and highly volatile. These planets will be in Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra. Symbolized as the front two legs of a funeral cot, and among the most severe of lunar mansions, it can be associated with the experiences that create a shock and that require solid grounding.

Sunday, April 14:
On a more radiant and gentle note, for the first time this year, the Sun will be in sidereal Aries at sunrise this morning. The Sun’s ingress into the first sign of the zodiac is regarded as one among several New Year’s Days celebrated in India, and is known by several different names.
In the state of Kerala, this celebration is known as ‘Vishu Kani.’ Vishu means ‘Equal,’ as this day is near the day of the spring equinox, when day and night are of equal length. Kani means ‘that which is seen first’, where it is believed that the first sight a person sees on this morning indicates their luck for the next 12 months.
To begin the zodiacal New Year on auspicious footing, each household prepares an especially elaborate altar to view as their first sight upon waking. This altar is adorned with flowers, a flame, a picture of a beloved deity, fruit, gold coins, a favorite sacred book and various items that invoke a mood of illumination, devotion, luck, abundance, beauty and knowledge. It is a day of activities such as the wearing of fresh clothes, and of enjoying freshly cleaned surroundings.
This is also a day when a special meal is carefully prepared and festively served. For the New Year, this meal is one that includes all of the flavors, and is a mixing of sweet, salty, sour, bitter and astringent flavours. Ayurvedically, this balance of tastes symbolizes and encourages a state of inner balance for the year ahead.
(Vishu will be on Sunday, April 14 in North American, European and Indian time zones.)

Tuesday, April 23:
The Full Moon takes place in sidereal Libra in Swati Nakshatra at 7:48PM EDT.
Symbolized as a young tree sprout being swept around by the wind as it seeks to stand strong, Swati Nakshatra, is categorized as one of the ‘moveable’ nakshatras. This day may bring efforts to face the elements and to grow firm roots, while feeling vulnerable and delicate.
Instability on this day may be related to events that took place around the time April 8th’s New Moon.
As an offset to the Moon’s unsteadiness, today the Sun is in its degree of strongest exaltation, where encouragingly, this planet of the innermost-self is at its most-commanding.

Thursday, April 25:
Mercury, in retrograde since Monday, April 1st, will change course today. But first, it will slow down to a standstill, and this stillness will imbue Mercury with special power. It will be stationary between 8:54AM EDT until 11:45AM EDT.
For all of Mercury’s many astrological afflictions this month (see April 9th), its forward direction may offer a form of a re-set and forward movement to things that have been in more of a limbo. However very curiously, at the same time of Mercury’s stationary motionlessness, it will be in very exact degree with shadowy Rahu, which can bring an element of confusion. Mercury and Rahu are in Revati, the last of the 27 nakshatras, having meanings of completion.
Also today, The Moon will pass through its debilitation in very early sidereal Scorpio today where it will give unsteady effects. This may make for low energy or sensitive emotions, making for a day well-suited to quiet, restful routines and uncomplicated plans. The Moon’s deepest debilitation will be at 4:16PM EDT.


March 2024 Astrology Forecast:

Saturday, March 2:

The Moon will be debilitated or in a weak point in early sidereal Scorpio, where this low-energy transit  may require more rest and the space to do things at one’s own inner-directed pace.
The Moon’s deepest debilitation will be at 3:33AM EST (8:33AM GMT).

Friday, March 8:
Om Namah Shivaya! This night marks Maha Shivaratri, the yearly major festival day to Lord Shiva, the Supreme Yogi deity who is worshipped through all night meditation and chanting vigils. On this night the Divine favors the ardent spiritual seeker. Shiva’s auspicious boons are believed to be especially granted to those who manage to stay awake all night, fasting and absorbed in steadfast spiritual practice.
In India, various mythologies surround this night, and also, there are differing speculations about the astronomical and astrological reasons as to why this is a potent window to cultivate spiritual energy and yogic mastery.
To jump into this fray and offer some of my own speculation: Shivaratri coincides with the time within the year when the Moon and Sun transit Capricorn and Aquarius, the two consecutive signs that Saturn rules. Here, the luminaries go the furthest away from their own signs of Cancer and Leo. When personified, the Sun and Moon are the King and Queen. During Shivaratri, the royals have left their posts and have gone very far away and into The Beyond, setting foot in Saturn’s territory.
 Saturn is a planet that is very connected to Lord Shiva. Saturn is the planet that rules Time, and as such, is the great equalizer, while Lord Shiva is the great equalizer as the representation of the transcendent, unchanging and absolute.
 Additionally, Saturn is the planet that also governs the masses, and naturally contained in its immensity are that which is shadowy, gritty and dark.
One of the mythologies of Shivaratri is that this night marks Shiva’s wedding, and this was a profoundly Saturn-like experience. He invited both deities as well as demons, where all were welcomed. His wedding procession included weird goblins, ghostly entities, scavengers and reptiles, as well as other ash-smeared, matted-haired yogis like himself. For those whose priorities where rooted in temporal concerns like status, pomp and external appearances, Shiva’s uncompromising vision of radical non-duality was hard to handle and disgust-provoking (making his soon-to-be mother-in-law pass out. But in the end she was more than okay).
Maha Shivaratri falls yearly on the dark-fortnight of the lunar month of Magha (according to the South Indian calendar) or Phalguna (North Indian calendar) when the Moon is in the waning 13th or 14th lunar day.
In most-general terms, this nearly-dark Moon is an internalizing lunar phase that will naturally encourage a more inward focus.
This year, Maha Shivaratri will be on March 8th in both North America and in India.

Sunday, March 10:
The New Moon takes place today at 5AM EDT (9AM GMT) in sidereal Aquarius in Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
The influences at the time of the New Moon give an indication of themes that will characterize the next 30 days.
In this chart, a total of four planets inhabit Aquarius, where gathered here are the Sun, Moon, Venus and Saturn. In this conjunction, Saturn functions as an especially key planet. In its own sign of Aquarius, Saturn is stable and strong. Very near the Moon, Saturn will affect it and color collective consciousness through its purposeful yet potentially world-weary lens.
Also, today, and also on many other days throughout March, Saturn will function as what is known as the ‘final dispositor.’ This is a term for the planet that will single-handedly command the chart at its foundation, though a planetary chain of command that is based on sign-rulerships, and will occur every so often. In other words, all planets ultimately lead back to a single planet, which in this chart is Saturn in Aquarius.
Both Saturn and its sign of Aquarius have meanings of the collective masses. Aquarius is by nature a humanitarian sign, as the hard-working water-bearer who shoulders a heavy pot from which its contents pour out to others.
     The lunar mansion of Poorva Bhadrapada where this New Moon occurs is symbolized as a front half of a funeral cot, and it is sometimes called ‘the worrying star’, where it is among the most intense of the nakshatras.
On this New Moon, Mars approaches its degree of maximum exaltation in late Capricorn, where this planet of dominance will deliver very powerful effects in a sign of determined action.
 Alongside of this, Mercury, the planet of communication, is compromised in its debilitation sign of Pisces, where this watery location dilutes Mercury’s clarity and reasoning intellect. On the individual level, in the weeks ahead one may be quick to action yet at a loss for words.
For those in North America, Daylight Savings time begins this morning at 2AM, where the clocks go forward one hour in most places. This disruption to the Sun’s natural clock (that was originally designed to increase worker productivity) may feel like a questionable (and maybe torturous) practice on this day when the Moon is darkest.

Thursday, March 14:
The Sun enters sidereal Pisces: major beginnings of practical importance are traditionally avoided on days of solar ingress.

Monday, March 25:
The Full Moon takes place in sidereal Virgo in Hasta Nakshatra at 2:59AM EDT (6:59AM GMT).
 Symbolized as a hand, Hasta (‘Hand’) has meanings of versatility, dexterity and the ability to grasp information. This may be an especially meaningful day for study, developing a craft, playing instruments and perfecting skills.
This Full Moon will usher in eclipse season, where it brings a mild and hard-to-detect penumbral lunar eclipse. The moment of maximum eclipse will be at 7:12AM UTC. Following this more mild eclipse, in two weeks’ time the next New Moon will see a far-reaching, profoundly powerful total solar eclipse.

Friday, March 29-Saturday, March 30:
An auspicious lunar mansion and also lunar phase will bless the atmosphere on these days from Friday at 12PM EDT (4PM GMT) until Saturday 11AM EDT (3PM GMT) forming a combination that encourages gentleness and accomplishment.
The Moon will be in Anuradha Nakshatra, ruled by Mitra the god of friendship, and this is the especially favourable waning 5th lunar day.
Anuradha is a community-minded nakshatra that has meanings of fulfilling goals while caring for those who have provided assistance along the way. It also has meanings of foreign residence and its ‘sideways-moving’ energy is considered to naturally support travel.


February 2024 Astrology Forecast:

Thursday, February 1:
February begins with the Moon in Chitra Nakshatra. The Vedic deity associated with Chitra is Vishwakarman, the celestial architect, a patron of craftspeople, builders and artists. The symbol of this lunar mansion is a shining gem, and is ruled by Mars, a planet of precision.
There may be an atmosphere of creative manifestation today, with qualities of clarity, structure, and desire for visibility and a willingness to see and be seen (like a clear gem).
Additionally, today the Moon receives the beneficial grounding planetary aspect of Jupiter. In the navamsha, a subtle chart that offers an indication of planetary outcomes, Jupiter and also the other weighty foundational planet Saturn are in their exaltation signs of Cancer and Libra, where this encourages inspired activities of substance.

Saturday, February 3:
Today the Moon is in it weakened degrees of debilitation in early Scorpio, while receiving an adverse planetary aspect from Saturn, and this is the unfavorable 9th waning lunar phase, known as an empty (rikta) lunar day. This sensitive day is well-suited to a simple schedule that can allow for a possible need for more rest, quiet and the space to proceed at one’s own needed pace in life.
The Moon’s deepest debilitation is at 8:13PM EST (1:13AM+1 GMT).

Friday, February 9:
The New Moon takes place at 5:59PM EST (10:59PM GMT) in sidereal Capricorn in Dhanistha Nakshatra.
The influences at the moment of the New Moon give an indication of the next 30 days.
In this chart, not only are the Sun and Moon in Capricorn, but Mercury and Mars are also in this sign. Moveable and active, and ruled by no-nonsense Saturn, Capricorn has highly goal-oriented traits that are likely to characterize the weeks ahead. Mars is in its most-powerful exaltation sign in Capricorn where it gives amplified effects, and the several planets that sit with Mars take on Mar’s intense energy. When the Moon and Mercury are influenced by Mars, this indicates a kind of restlessness that at its best can be highly enterprising and skilful. In a birth chart, the Moon and Mars when together are considered a wealth combination. In actual practice, Mars and Moon joined will make for a seeking tendency that will often play out as exuberance and ambition where material wealth is commonly sought after and amassed as a by-product or external result.
Dhanistha Nakshatra, where the New Moon occurs, is ruled by Mars, where Mars’s effects will also be given through the Moon’s nakshatra rulership. In other words, in this chart, Mars is in a pervasive role in ways that are both gross and subtle.
Dhanistha is a nakshatra that is associated with ambition, prosperity, purpose and a tendency to want to support others (often materially) and join people together, such as through networking or employing them. It is a nakshatra of patronage that can sometimes hold aspirations towards the heroic. Public life and its transactional nature is often the comfort-zone of this nakshatra, while more intimate relationships and tender emotions are considered to be its less-skilful and more problematical area of life.
The coming days may bring an atmosphere where the accomplishment of goals, ambition and a very fiery and externalized focus may be the priority.
Through the lens of a different cultural paradigm, in the Chinese Animal Calendar, the end of this New Moon will usher in the 2024 Year of the Dragon. This Wood Dragon year is said to support a natural impulse towards embodying competence and power. It sounds like 2024 will be bring in a striking shift in pace as the 2023 Year of the Rabbit, the most meek and tender of the twelve animals in this calendar, fades away.
Given the forceful astrological influences of Capricorn and Mars in February’s New Moon chart, this 2024 Dragon that will now come onto the scene is likely to burst in February with immediacy and a sense of the dramatic.

Tuesday, February 13:
The Sun enters sidereal Aquarius today: major new beginnings of practical importance are traditionally avoided on days of solar ingress.

Wednesday, February 14:
Today the Moon transits Ashwini Nakshatra, a dynamic lunar mansion in the first half of Aries that has swift and light traits. When the Moon in this nakshatra coincides with a Wednesday, it forms specific negative planetary configurations with names like nasa (loss) and mrityu (death). Given the intensity, action and movement associated with this nakshatra, today the speed at which things happen may hold high potential to be a source of difficulties.
It is a day to deeply consider what is true in situations where there is impatience, impulsiveness or beliefs that things need to happen as quickly as possible.

Wednesday, February 21:
The Moon is in Pushya Nakshatra today, regarded among the very best of lunar mansions, and this favorable nakshatra becomes even more auspicious on this waxing 13th lunar day, which forms a specific combination for ‘immortality’ (amrita) that supports the long lasting results of one’s efforts.
Symbolized as a cow’s udder and in the portion of Cancer where uplifting Jupiter would be in its maximum exaltation degree, Pushya Nakshatra is a motherly and bountiful influence that supports constructive experiences, compassionate action and generosity of spirit.

Saturday, February 24:
The Full Moon takes place today at 7:30AM EDT (12:30PM GMT) in sidereal Leo in Magha Nakshtra.
Magha Nakshatra is symbolized as a royal throne room, and as such, it has regal meanings of authority, the awareness of lineage, and a connection to one’s ancestors, where it encourages activities that relate to these themes.
On the more day-to-day, as a leadership influence it can relate to interactions with government or officials.
 The convergence of the Moon in Magha nakshatra on a Saturday and on the Full Moon is considered to be a favorable combination.

Wednesday, February 28:
During this last week of the month, Saturn and Sun are very closely conjunct in sidereal Aquarius, and today their degree is exact. Fully lost in the Sun’s glare, Saturn is in the compromised state of deep ‘combustion.’ At this time, the qualities and things that are ruled by Saturn may temporarily be strangely hard to see clearly and difficult to access. As the planet that rules duty, maturity, practicality and work ethic, this may leave one with a nagging, soul-searching sense of never doing enough, working hard enough or doing things sensibly. It is a time to watch for taking up needless busy-work, or taking on commitments for insecure or surface reasons.

January 2024 Astrology Forecast

Monday, January 1:
May your 2024 be filled with much joy and kindness.
On this first day of 2024, the Moon is in sidereal Leo in the Poorva Phalguni. The moon here on a Monday forms a positive combination called Shobana Yoga. Shobana means ‘splendor’ or ‘illuminated’ where there is increased potential for these qualities to bless the day.
Symbolized as the front half of a hammock, Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra is ruled by Venus, and sits within the middle of sidereal Leo, a sign of vitality and appetite. The dynamic impulse (shakti) of Poorva Phalguni is leisure and the fulfillment of desire, activities that at their very best bring ‘re-creation’ or new  birth of that which is beautifully alive, deeply meaningful and vitally beneficial.

Also today, Mercury has been retrograde since December 13th, where today it changes course. This will be the first time in many months that no planet is retrograde, where this may give a sense of moving forward with that which has been under review, revision and delayed.  As Mercury slows down to change course, it will be stationary, and this stillness will imbue it with a unique presence and power. Mercury is in Scorpio, where it is in Jyestha Nakshatra one of the lunar mansions that Mercury governs, where here it gains strength, and it is favorably joined in Scorpio by Venus. These factors add to the commanding presence of Mercury, the expressive planet of communication and intellect. Mercury will be stationary between 8:36PM EST and11:41PM EST (or 1:36AM-4:41AM GMT of January 2nd).

Sunday, January 7:
Today the Moon is in a weak-point in the early degrees of sidereal Scorpio where it gives unsteady effects. This day may call for more rest and the space to go at one’s own natural pace in life. The Moon will be in its point of deepest debilitation at 11:00AM EST (4PM UTC).

Thursday, January 11:
The New Moon takes place today at 6:57AM EST (11:57AM GMT) in sidereal Sagittarius in Poorva Ashadha Nakshatra.
The influences at the time of the new Moon give an indication of themes that will characterize the next 30 days.
In this new Moon chart, a total of four planets-the Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury, gather together in Sagittarius. This is a sign of ideals and idealism. It is a fire-sign, and is a sign of actions motivated by a striving for highest achievement.
The lunar mansion of Poorva Ashadha is symbolized as a winnowing basket, the woven implement used for separating grains from chaff. Venus is the planetary ruler of Poorva Ashadha. This is a planet that assess worth, and it has meanings of refinement, qualities that are not unlike like that of the winnowing basket’s function. This influence suggests that the weeks ahead will bring experiences of sifting out to discern what is of substance and value, or what is real and fake; what to keep and what to let go of, or what to cultivate and what to ignore.
The dynamic impulse (shakti) of Poorva Ashadha is that of invigoration, and the result of this shakti is the gain of luster.
In this chart there is a powerful interconnection between Mars and Jupiter. Mars is in Sagittarius, a sign ruled by Jupiter, and Jupiter in Aries, a sign ruled by mars. This forms a mutual planetary exchange, known as a parivartana. In nearly the same degree in signs five houses apart, Mars and Jupiter are both in nakshatras ruled by Ketu, the south lunar node, where these planets give Ketu’s effects to a significant degree. Mercury, together with Mars, is also in Ketu’s star. The traits of Ketu are detached, austere, focused and sharp, and other-worldly.
This convergence of the New Moon in the worldly Venus-ruled Poorva Ashadha Nakshatra, five planets in Sagittarius, and then three planets in nakshatras ruled by detached Ketu may bring a month of experiences that cycle between the sophisticated and discriminating, the upward-looking striving and idealistic, and the very detached or austere.

Sunday, January 14 (North America)-Monday, January 15 (Europe and Asia):
Today the Sun enters sidereal Capricorn. The Sun’s ingress into this sign marks a major festival day of India known as Makar Sankranti (Capricorn Ingress), also known regionally as Pongal in South India.
This festival honors the Sun and celebrates its northward movement, considered the more auspicious half of the year. Celebrations involve making offerings of sweet rice pudding (pongal) to the Sun, an animal (often a cow) and one’s family as a three-fold expression of worship of all of creation. Other various regional observances of this celebration to the source of life also include practices such as the building of bonfires, the flying of kites, watching the sunrise, ayurvedic oil massage, taking a holy dip in a sacred body of water, and expressions of generosity towards those in need.
While this transit symbolically signals the Sun’s six-month Northerly course, the Sun has already been travelling North since the December 21 winter solstice. This is an unusual instance of a festival where astronomically the Western Tropical zodiac (based on the seasons) is currently more accurate.
The calculation for this festival is based on where the sun is at the time of sunrise; for North America, it is January the 14th. In European and Asian time-zones it is the 15th.

Tuesday, January 16:
Today the Moon is in Uttara Bhadrapada, and this is the waxing 7th lunar day. When these factors join on a Tuesday, this forms a specific combination for accomplishment and also for the dispelling of obstacles.
The nature of Uttara Bhadrapada is fixed and weighty, a trait that is well-suited to activities where solidity and permanence are desirable, such as the laying of a foundation, construction, planting a tree, and activities connected to land and property.

Tuesday, January 23:
Today the Moon transits the harsh lunar mansion of Ardra Nakshatra. Symbolized as a tear-drop, it is among the most-severe of stars. When it coincides with a Tuesday, this forms a specific combination for experiences of loss. Today’s waxing 14th lunar day (tithi) is known as a rikta (empty) tithi and is destabilizing.
Today is most-fitting for activities characterized by intentional sharpness and intensity, such as difficult conversations, or interactions that have an element of confrontation. (Traditionally, Ardra Nakshatra is considered suited to acts of ambush and the training of animals.)
But in general, this is a more a day to tread lightly and to navigate with care.

Thursday, January 25:
The Full Moon takes place today in sidereal Cancer in Pushya Nakshatra at 12:53PM EST (5:53PM GMT).
In January, this stands out as a day blessed by noteworthy auspicious influences.
Symbolized as the udder of a cow, the lunar mansion of Pushya is considered to be uniquely favourable. This nakshatra may bring experiences and activities today characterized by motherly care, bountifulness, flowing generosity and soothing gentleness not unlike that of a being in cow’s calm and sacred presence.
When the Moon is in Pushya Nakshatra on a Thursday, this forms a specific positive combination that encourages the long-lasting effects of one’s efforts.

Vedic Astrology Forecast December 2023:

Monday, December 11:
Today the Moon passes through its low-energy degrees of debilitation in early sidereal Scorpio, and as a nearly-dark Moon, it becomes further weakened.
Also, the Moon is afflicted by both its close planetary aspect from Saturn and its association with Mars.
This is a day well-suited to greater simplicity, rest, and the room to do things at one’s own inner-directed pace.
The Moon’s deepest debilitation is at 1:07AM EST (6:07 AM GMT).

Tuesday, December 12:
The New Moon will take place at 6:31PM EST (11:31PM GMT) in sidereal Scorpio in Jyesthha Nakshatra.
Symbolized as a protective talisman, Jyeshtha (‘The Eldest’) Nakshatra is a lunar mansion that has meanings of seniority, conquest and courage. At its best, Jyestha brings a protectiveness of others that is discerning and wise. At its worst, its traits are sharp, over-bearing, controlling, gives a questionable fighting-spirit and jockeying for supremacy.
The influences on New Moon give an indication of themes that will grow over the next 30 days.
In this New Moon chart, Mars is in the same sign as the Moon and Sun and like them is also in Jyestha Nakshatra, where Mars becomes a key planet. In Scorpio, Mars is also strong and stable in its own sign.
Four houses away from these three planets, Saturn is in Aquarius, where an adverse, mutual 90-degree relationship with Mars is formed, where it is as if these two harsh planets are joined together.
These planetary factors point indicate themes of striving for power. In two weeks’ time, the Full Moon in Ardra Nakshatra on December 26th may bring a culmination of influences that are set into motion today.
Symbolized as a tear-drop, Ardra (‘the Moist’) Nakshatra has meanings of upheaval, often of the kind that comes with emotional intensity and catharsis. Towards late December there may be a casting off of, or dramatic response to the wilful agendas that take hold under today’s dark Moon in Jyestha Nakshatra. At its most desirable, December’s lunar cycle from new to full Moon may bring an atmosphere of building headstrong intensity that reaches a breaking point that opens up revitalizing new beginnings and new growth.

Wednesday, December 13:
Mercury will go retrograde today until Monday, January 1, 2024. As this planet slows to a standstill before changing course, this stillness will give it unique power, which may benefit intellect, communication and other Mercury-governed areas in unusual ways today.
Mercury will be at its most stationary at 3:28AM EST (9:28AM GMT).

Saturday, December 16:
The Sun enters sidereal Sagittarius: major beginnings of practical importance are traditionally avoided on days of solar ingress.

Thursday, December 21:
The winter solstice occurs today at 10:27 P.M. EST (3:27AM GMT of December 22nd). This is the moment when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted as far away from the Sun as possible, and marks the first day of winter in this hemisphere.
(The Southern Hemisphere’s winter solstice occurs in June.)
As the shortest day of the year, when the shadow that one casts is at its longest, it is a time of observances across cultures where the season’s darkness is honoured and the light is welcomed in.
Among the various traditions, one especially curious winter solstice rite is that of the Saturnalia, ancient Rome’s festival to Saturn.
As the god and planet associated with agriculture, harvest, the common people, and abundance borne of the earth’s bounty (usually through hard work), this pagan celebration marked the end of the winter sowing season. Saturn as the slowest-moving planet also rules time and its many expressions- from being that which builds patience, humility and maturity, to being that which reveals the stark reality of decay and death. Considering the blessings needed from Saturn to thrive during long winter months, this festival in which Saturn is invoked offered a timely form of seasonal and astrological remedy.
And quite the festival it was. While the Saturnalia’s timing length and emphasis varied over the centuries, a defining experience of it was that of role-reversal and role-play.  Roman rulers and masters traded duties and outfits with their subjects and slaves, making for an off-road travesty of established conduct and class boundaries. Those who worked the land (and who were ultimately the true sustainers of the community) got a moment to be acknowledged for a few days as the masters that they were, while the ruling class had opportunity to observe true public opinion, and also took on tasks that perhaps helped them not take for granted the toil of their slaves and peasants. While the resulting repercussions and layers of social nuance within this untamed few days is a source of speculation, for both sides this occasion for may have offered a release of a cultural pressure valve.
There is strong historical speculation that the milder customs within this festival to Saturn were a direct influence on our modern celebration of Christmas, such as the practices of gift-giving, feasting and decorating with seasonal greenery.
In Vedic astrology, the Sun’s northward movement is very generally considered to be the more favourable six-months of a year.
Today the Moon’s transit in Revati Nakshatra on the excellent 10th waxing lunar day on a Thursday forms a specific combination that supports accomplishment. As the last of the 27 lunar mansions, Revati favors activities characterized by completion, while its gentle nature encourages activities characterized by kindness, playfulness or leisure.

Tuesday, December 26:
The Full Moon takes place in sidereal Gemini in Ardra Nakshatra at 7:33PM EST (12:33AM GMT on December 27th)
Symbolized as a tear-drop, and among the most severe of lunar mansions, Ardra Nakshatra may bring an atmosphere of strong emotions and turbulence that needs to be moved through and transformed, ideally in constructive ways.
 Mars in the last degree of Scorpio transits a difficult junction known as gandanta (‘knot at the end portion’) where a water and fire sign meet. This meeting of steam-producing elements increases Mars’ volatile potential.

Saturday, December 30:
Jupiter has been in retrogression for the last four months, since Monday September 4th.
Today Jupiter slows down to change course into direct motion. It will be stationary at 9:41PM EST (2:41AM GMT on December 31st), and Jupiter’s stillness will give it a distinctive power.
Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, optimism and expansiveness of spirit, this day may bring a sense of more trust in a life’s intelligence, and there may be welcome clarity and insight.
Jupiter’s forward transit encourages a new sense of forward movement for which has been vague, delayed, under revision or percolating in the sub-conscious for several months.

Sunday, December 31:
On this last day of the year, the Moon will be in sidereal Leo in Magha Nakshatra. Symbolized as a royal throne room, and whose associated deity is the spirit presence of family ancestors (the Pitras), Magha has themes of stepping into authority, awareness of lineage, ancestral realms and ancestor veneration. The moon in Magha Nakshatra on a Sunday forms a combination for loss.
The presence of those who have passed away may be in the atmosphere today.
From subtle realms there may be the nudge to set something right, and within this there may be a need to step into greater authority, and to make contact with those who hold power. This day may bring an honoring that is like a stepping into a stream from past to future that extends beyond the personal.

Vedic Astrology Forecast November 2023:

Sunday, November 12
Today’s New Moon marks the main day of India’s 5-day epic festival Deepavali, ‘The Festival of Lights.’ In India, ritual worship (puja), gift-giving and the lighting of many shining oil lamps signify the victory over darkness within, and the radiant awareness of one’s own inner light.
This festival coincides with the week of the year when the Sun and the Moon both near their zodiacal weak-points of deep debilitation in early sidereal Libra and Scorpio. This festival’s main day always falls on the internalizing dark Moon.
During this time when the weakness of the Sun and Moon can disturb the mind, emotions, sense of confidence and optimistic connection to life, rituals that invoke brightness, hope, warmth, belonging and a sense of life’s abundance are mentally balancing and naturally timely.
Deepavali lasts for a total of five days. Today’s main day is dedicated to Lakshmi, goddess of prosperity, generosity and beauty. Traditional elements of Deepavali celebrations that invoke and attract Lakshmi’s bountiful presence include visiting with family and friends, giving to charity, the sharing of sweets, beautifying personal adornment and wearing brand new clothes, and cleaning the home. The lighting of clay oil lamps by the open threshold of one’s festively decorated front door to allow Lakshmi to enter one’s home effortlessly and to bestow Her many blessings.
If on this day traditional Indian accoutrements of worship like clay oil lamps are not handy in the drawer, then in the spirit of the day, this is a natural window to do things like sit by a camp-fire, light candles, neaten-up one’s surroundings, and engage in practices and attitudes that dispel inner darkness, kindle the light within, and encourages the same in others.
The New Moon will be on Monday, November 13th at 4:27AM EST (9:27 UTC) in sidereal Libra in Vishakha Nakshatra.

Thursday, November 16:
The Sun enter sidereal Scorpio today: important beginnings of practical worldly importance are traditionally avoided on days of solar ingress.

Monday, November 27:
The Full Moon takes place today at 4:16AM EST (9:16 UTC) in sidereal Taurus in Rohini (‘The Reddish One’) Nakshatra.
Taurus is the exaltation sign of the Moon, and the lunar mansion of Rohini is an enlivening and zesty nakshatra. This full moon may likely be especially externalizing.

Tuesday, November 28:
Today Rahu and Ketu change signs.
The North and South Nodes of the Moon, the two shadowy ‘planets’ known as Rahu and Ketu, will change signs (as per ‘true node’ calculation) to enter the Pisces/Virgo axis.
Rahu will be in Pisces, and Ketu in Virgo. The Nodes play out in stark contrast to each other, but they share a potential for obsessive intensity and extremes. Symbolized as the severed head and tail of a serpent, these points in space are opposite ends of a spectrum, and are untimely one dismembered animal that seeks to be rejoined and re-integrated.
Rahu’s serpent-head nature is dispersing and outward, and it also shares some traits that are like that of Saturn. Ketu as the serpent’s tail is contracted, sharp-focused and retreating, with some traits similar to Mars.
The Rahu/Ketu axis are the signs where an eclipse can occur, and the nodes change signs every 18 months. Rahu and Ketu travel backwards through the zodiac, and will be across the Pisces/Virgo axis until May 29, 2025.
In recent months as well as right now, Rahu in its transit between very early Aries and the last degrees of Pisces, is ‘gandanta’, or in ‘the knot at the end part’. This is the adverse junction where a fire and a water-sign meet, where these elements produce steam. Planets when transiting gandanta degrees of the zodiac indicate the potential for difficult world events, and can set the stage for natural disaster, such as hurricanes, as well as destructive human-created events. Rahu will be gandanta until the first week of January 2024.
     Ethereal and unrestrained, Rahu is regarded as a planet of innovation; among is meanings, it governs modern technology. This transit of Rahu from Aries into Pisces will very likely bring a major leap in the already fast-moving developments in the human relationship to technology, media and the internet. Pisces is the sign that governs the watery collective unconscious. The sign prior to Pisces is Aquarius the Water-Bearer who shoulders the pot from which the fluid contents of Pisces spill out freely and everywhere. The lunar nodes, with their power to eclipse, hold meanings of illusion, disguise and the ability to obscure. With Rahu’s entry into Pisces, the use of A.I. and images and audio generated by artificial intelligence may very likely quickly become a pervasive and confusing and deeply concerning reality to navigate, where everybody can make up anything about anyone, and generate a convincing imitation to show as evidence. Technology may deeply stir the collective imagination and collective emotions with its desires and fears, as it dissolves the boundaries between the real and unreal.
The last time that Rahu entered Pisces was on February 22, 2005, which was a landmark year for innovations in technology bring poured forth freely into the hands of the collective: just one week before, on February 14th 2005, the world saw the launch of YouTube, and in April 2005, the first-ever YouTube video (‘Me at the Zoo’) was uploaded.
For those with birth planets or the Ascendant in the signs of Virgo or Pisces, the transit the nodes here may be especially transformative. The six eclipses that will occur in these two signs throughout 2024 and into early 2025 become more likely to coincide with pivotal external life events, and also eclipse days may be experienced inwardly as especially powerful.